If we have already approved your dates of stay, please PAY THE DEPOSIT and COMPLETE REGISTRATION DETAILS for each guest, group, or family after READING THE GUEST AGREEMENT.
Important PLEASE READ before registering!
• By booking a stay here, you agree that you have read the website in detail and understood the rules, schedule, and philosophy of the retreat. While this retreat is not so strict and not so formal, there are some basic requirements we expect you to follow during your stay.
• You agree to participate in the communal homestay experience with other guests including meal preparation and cleanup, participation in the care and maintenance of the guesthouse, and occasionally care and maintenance of the historical temple and surrounding property (“samu” or temple-service work). (You are not required to be present for every meal or every activity, but if you are present, your participation is strongly encouraged.)
• Your private room, as well as all shared/public spaces, must be kept clean and tidy during your stay. You understand that cleaning of the guesthouse is a shared responsibility. You understand that there are no private en-suite bathrooms and that bathrooms are shared between guests. With your help, the guesthouse remains clean and tidy for all guests to enjoy.
• You understand that weekends are self-catering days; meals must be prepared on your own (or with other guests) without retreat staff assistance. (see schedule)
• We are not a hotel or resort. The purpose of the retreat is to learn about, experience, and participate in Zen Temple life and traditional Buddhist culture in Japan. There is a sense of shared experience, mutual care, respect, service, and learning among guests and also between staff and guests. We appreciate your participation in, and respect for, the unique experience we offer.
1. PAY THE DEPOSIT: Use the button below to pay your deposit. Be sure to select the correct number of nights once you have entered the PayPal system. See the payment chart for exact deposit amounts corresponding to the length of your stay.
2. COMPLETE REGISTRATION DETAILS: Use the automatic form below OR cut and paste the registration form text from the bottom of the page and email it to us.
IMPORTANT: If ever you don’t receive a reply within 24 hours please check your SPAM folder!
Alternatively, you can cut and paste the text-only version into an email and send it through your preferred email platform.
Fill out the REGISTRATION DETAILS for each guest, group, or family, and email it to us at
Required fields are marked in bold.
1. Guest Names:
2. Number of guests:
3. Number of rooms preferred (if more than one guest):
4. Checkin Date:
5. Checkout date:
6. Number of nights stay:
7. Country of Residence:
8. Nationality (passport):
9. Passport Number(s):
10. Age:
11. Telephone number(s) (at home, intl cellphone, or in Japan:
12. Emergency contact (friend, partner, family member):
13. Gender:
14. Occupation:
15. Interests / hobbies:
16. Languages spoken:
17. Previous experience with meditation:
18. Personal expectations from your stay:
19. Special Food or Dietary Requirements / Preferences:
20. Relevant Medical Conditions:
Email us at IMPORTANT: If you don’t receive a reply within 24 hours please check your SPAM folder!